Tuesday, 23 August 2011

comments on my blog

Becky Buchanan  Really love these large scale pieces - Just fantastic. Standing in front of the yellow saturated canvas must be awesome!
Just a thought on the abstracts as they develop - I was really visually surprised when there was blocking out of large chunks juxtaposed with 'readable' image. Have you thought of keeping an element of representation?Loving what you're doing

Sally Jacobi  I found myself preoccupied with the people who had disappeared. Where are they. Are they buried beneath the lairs and are there still elements of them that influence the present paintings. Of course they did but how much? It seemed to me that this is exactly how life is. People are there and then they disappear but the traces of their life continue into the next generation and then onwards and onwards... Sometimes more and sometimes less!!!! A fascinating idea, keep on with it.

Elisabeth Bell I enjoyed your blog / website/ films.  The two new paintings: very thought provoking! I like the way you include us in the development by using the video. I like the double paintings with the 'possible' other side clear or obscure. Fantastic. I wish I was as busy.

Beverley Vaux  Fascinating - don't feel qualified to comment!  Very interested in the idea of morphing from real to abstract - have been doing some of this lately for our group of weavers and we have just finished our second "abstract weaving".

John Gillam What an amazingly creative person you've become!  Detachment is
remarkable.  You've got a busy time coming up at the Old School - I
hope it goes really well

Bruce Noble Well this is all very interesting but I feel a little lost….I am not sure that I agree that the human mind seeks to make abstraction out of form, rather the other way around. I am however fascinated that many artists who would call themselves abstract painters would come back to figurative work later. Each of the animations show your wonderful sense of colour and the energy to photograph each step  and the transisitons are always interesting if not downright beautiful.

Lindsay Clarke  You already know that I'm a sucker for your work but I've just had an unusually exciting time travelling from figuration to abstraction on your blogspot. What an achievment! Seeing the metamorphoses happen reminded me of the excitement I felt as a twenty-year old watching Le Mystere Picasso for the first time and having enacted before my eyes the way that imagination transforms the world. I hadn't seen your Jean Martin picture before with its wonderfully ironic title, and have only just caught up also with the film that makes your life-drawings dance. Reflecting on the humanity of your work, I thought of the poet Henry Vaughan's definition of life : 'a quickness which my God hath kissed.'  The range of your vision and skills continues to astonish me. Quite wonderful! When can I expect to see them on display in a major gallery? Congratulations and lots of love  

Michael Dixon  Posted a Comment Kate but can't see it? Brilliant work.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

large paintings at Bath Spa, 12' x 7'

I have been working on these 2 large paintings, and feel that they are now getting somewhere, metamorphising, changing.  I am pleased with the amount of yellow I have managed to use in 'applestore.com'.  thinking of Sargy Mann, the best blind painter in Peckham, who uses blue tac to feel his way round a canvas, and adds pure colour.  So here is a film 'Metamorphosis'